Available Classrooms and Labs for Study

Available Classrooms and Labs for Study

بواسطة - MOVE Team
عدد الردود: 0

Dear students

Please note that the college's classrooms and labs are available for you to use to study while you're on the college's campus. For this week, all the classrooms and labs are available except for the following where the exams are taking place.

Please note that eating in the classrooms and labs is PROHIBITED!

Rooms that are NOT available for the students this week (All other rooms are available for you to us):

Room Number Room Number
B-100 M-408
B-210 M-501
B-214 M-502
M-303 N-206
M-307 N-205
M-308 N-206
M-400 N-301
M-401 N-302
M-402 N-310
M-403 N-311
