Choose Digital Over Print 🍀

Choose Digital Over Print 🍀

by Student Services -
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Dear students

In a world where every choice we make impacts the environment, it's time for us to take a stand for sustainability. We have the power to make a difference, starting right here on our campus. One simple yet impactful way we can contribute is by choosing digital resources over printing on paper. Each time we opt for digital materials, we're reducing our carbon footprint and helping to preserve our planet for future generations.

Think about it: every sheet of paper printed requires energy, water, and resources to produce and transport. By going digital, we can significantly decrease the demand for these resources and lessen the pollution associated with their production.

Moreover, digital resources offer numerous advantages. They are easily accessible anytime, anywhere, eliminating the need to carry around heavy textbooks or stacks of paper. They also allow for quick searches, annotations, and sharing, enhancing our learning experience.

So, let's make a commitment to prioritise digital resources in our academic pursuits. Let's choose sustainability and make a positive impact on our environment, one digital decision at a time.

Together, we can create a greener, cleaner future for all.

Reduce carbon footprint. Less Printing, more breathing.