RESIT FND/UG (LEVEL 3 & 4 only) Exam Timetable (January 2025)

RESIT FND/UG (LEVEL 3 & 4 only) Exam Timetable (January 2025)

بواسطة - Registry Department
عدد الردود: 0

Dear Students,

Please find attached the RESIT Foundation and Undergraduate (for Level 3 and Level 4 Only) Examinations Timetable for the current semester (September 2024 - January 2025).

It is your responsibility to check the timetable, keep a note of the exam date and time and appear for the exam.

Please note that the exams will be conducted as scheduled on Saturdays and on a public holiday if declared.

Kindly note that the Mobile phones and smart watches are NOT permitted in the EXAM HALLS. If a student is found with a mobile phone or a smart watch, he/she will be asked to keep the same outside the EXAM HALL and the college will not be responsible for any loss.

It is mandatory to show your college ID Card. You will not be allowed to enter the exam hall without your ID Card. If you do not have the ID Card yet, kindly visit the registry department as soon as possible.

Students are required to be seated in the examination hall at least 15 minutes before the start of the assessments.

Please check your email regularly.

We trust that students will adhere to the academic integrity guidelines stated in the Student handbook.

The Assignments submission/Viva/Presentation schedule will be shared by the respective faculties separately.

All the best.