Online Registration for the Summer Semester (June - Aug 2021)

Online Registration for the Summer Semester (June - Aug 2021)

by Dr. Mohammed Siddique -
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Dear Students,

We would like to inform you that online registration for the Summer Semester (June - Aug 2021) will be active from Sunday, June 06, 2021.

The Online registration process can be used only by the students who are continuing their study in the Award/Programme they studied in Feb – June 2021.

Students who want to change their Award/Programme should contact the Programme managers of the concerned faculty by mail. (EMail IDs are provided at the end of the mail). They cannot use the online registration process.

You can find the link for the online registration on:

MOVE -> Majan Online -> Online Registration 


on the College’s website -



Level 3 Semester 1: English Vocabulary in Use (EVU), Fundamentals of Business Management (FBM), Fundamentals of ICT (FICT)

Level 3 Semester 2: Professional Communication Skills in English (PCSE), English for General Reading and Writing (EGRW)

Business Level 4: Principles of Management (PMG), Introduction to Business Accounting (IBA)

Business Level 6: Entrepreneurship and Small Business (ESB), Management Information Systems (MIS), Strategic Management (S. Mngt), PROJECT 1 and PROJECT 2

IT Level 5: Software Engineering (SE)

IT Level 6: E-Systems (ESYS), Emerging Technologies in Networking (ETIN)

English Level 4: Intensive Academic Writing (IAR)

English Level 5: Corpus Based Study (CES)

Foundation Semester 1: Grammer in Context (GC), Basic Mathematics (BM)

Foundation Semester 2: Applied Mathematics (AM), Academic Writing (ACW)


Please select and register.

Document showing guidelines for the online registration process is attached with this email.

Once you complete the registration process, you will receive a confirmation mail from Monday, June 07, 2021 along with the following attachments, confirming acceptance of your application.

1.  registration receipt, 

2.  timetable and 

3.  an undertaking

On the receipt of the confirmation, you are required to make an online payment using the link provided on MOVE under “Majan Online”. This will complete the registration process. 

The academic success of every student in the college is important to us. Poor attendance is a matter which is taken very seriously by the College. Hence, it is important to remember that the attendance policy in the Undergraduate handbook 2020-2021 (section 2.10 pages 10-11), clearly states that “it is compulsory that you maintain at least 80% attendance for all modules that you register for. If your attendance is less than 80% in a module you will not normally be allowed to do the final assessments (i.e. final examinations, final assignment, final presentation, final viva, etc.) and your assessment will not be marked even if submitted”.

If for any reason you are unable to complete the registration process or do not receive the confirmation mail, it indicates that your application is not processed, you are required to contact the following Programme Managers through mail:

Faculty of Business Management

Dr. Veena Tewari

Faculty of IT

Mr. Albert Tayong

Faculty of English Language Studies

Ms. Anita Boggu

Level 3 modules

Ms.Thuraia Al-Jabri


Ms. Aziza Saghir


Please note that the registration link and online payment link are available on the Majan College web site -

Nabila Al Macki, SFHEA 

Deputy Dean (Academic Affairs)