Recommended collection of useful applications for your smartphone, tablet or iPad. These apps will help you better organize your time, increase productivity and enrich your knowledge.

App Description Download


Evernote is an effective note taking tool, where students can take, organize notes in the form of pictures, audio, or articles from the web. Notes are easily accessed online/offline from anywhere. Notes can be organized using tags, categories and notebooks.



Students can easily add and organize online articles and research papers and more to your personal must-read lists, and access these assets online or offline from anywhere with an enhanced readability.


Add, organize and follow your important tasks by creating to-do lists and add labels and categories to them. An excellent tasks organizing tool where students can use to boost their studying routine and performance.


Be motivated and inspired, by expanding your horizons through exposing yourself to innovators, motivators and top influential people in different fields & subjects. Great ideas form your present and destiny.


Sate your learning curiosity and build up your knowledge base by uncovering facts, theories and concepts about history, science, art, economy, technology and much more.By kowning more, you do more.


As a student you’ll need to write notes on the go, whenever and wherever you were. You can add text, audio and picture notes. Notes will be available online instantly through your Google account, where students can review, share or edit them later on.

آخر تعديل: الأحد، 13 مارس 2016، 10:09 AM