متطلبات الإكمال
MUC takes a zero-tolerance approach to the use of unfair means by students in assignments and examinations, and these will be dealt with severely. The resources here will help you understand contract cheating, academic integrity, and why it's really important to write your assignments yourself.
Plagiarism - Don't do it!
Plagiarism is a serious academic issue with serious consequences, all students should take 5 minutes to watch the video presentation below to familiarise themselves with the issue, extra information is in the extended presentation below that.
At the bottom of the page are some useful links about referencing mentioned in the video, it would be a good idea to bookmark this page for future reference.
Extended Presentation (no audio)
Frequently asked questions about referencing
- What does a reference look like for a single-author book?
- What about a book written by more than one author?
- What if I’m not using a first edition?
- How do I list an edited volume?
- What happens if my book has no author or editor listed?
- I have a several-volume work here. How do I list that?
- What if I’m using a quote that I discover in a secondary resource?
- I’ve used some important definitions from a reputable dictionary. How should I cite that?
- I’ve found some good information in a doctoral dissertation. How would create a reference for that?
What’s the proper format for a magazine or periodical?
I’ve used an article published in a prestigious scholarly journal. How would I cite that?
How would I handle a newspaper article?
Can you give me some examples of how to handle non-print materials?
I have important, reliable information from personal interviews and phone conversations. How do I document those resources?
My professor just gave us some great information in a classroom lecture. Can I use that?
I have several documents from the government and ERIC to list. What’s the proper format?
I have discovered several resources using the Internet and CD ROM resources. How do I document that material?
I’ve been asked to create an annotated bibliography. How do I go about that?
Explore these interesting articles and tutorials in Turnitin's Student Resources Section:
- What is Plagiarism?
- Did I Plagiarise? - Through a series of questions, explore if you plagiarised in a recent academic work?
- What is the difference between academic integrity and plagiarism?
- Interpreting the Similarity Report
- Understanding the Turnitin Similarity Report
- Preventing Plagiarism
- Is it Plagiarism if I Borrow Someone's Ideas or if I Use Their Actual Words?
- How to Implement Citation and Paraphrasing Into The Writing Process?
- What is self-plagiarism and what does it have to do with academic integrity?
- Exploring 5 common myths about Turnitin.
Important Resources
- Academic Integrity | Student Guide (PDF File)
- Ensuring Academic Integrity in the Era of Chatbots - Dr.Syed Ziaur Rahman
- Academic Integrity A State of Permanent Revolution - Dr.Peter Mitchell
آخر تعديل: الثلاثاء، 16 أبريل 2024، 3:07 PM